Friday, October 24, 2014



Mammalogy is the branch of biology that deals with the study of mammals. It encompasses such diverse areas as the structure, function, evolutionary history, ethology, taxonomy, management and economics of mammals. Approximately 4,200 species of living mammals and numerous extinct species comprise the material for study. Included are egg-laying echidnas, the platypus, pouched marsupials, tiny shrews, bats, mice, whales, apes and elephants, to name only a few.
The study of mammals can be as diverse as the organisms themselves. A mammalogist might study a wide variety of topics on a particular species or group of mammals or might take a comparative approach and investigate one aspect with regard to a wide variety of mammals.

Mammology is the study of mammals. the people who study mammals are named mammmologist. a mammalogist studies a variety of mammals such as dolphins, elephants, humans, monkeys, whales, etc.

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